Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 2 - Your Crush

Truth is I've put off writing this post because I realise I didn't have a crush on anyone at the moment. Funnily enough, this weeked I bumped into someone who was something like a crush that never happened or almost happened or ... honestly, I don't know what happened ... it all just went down under. Oh yes, pun intended.

I met Shevan at a mutual friend's house when we were 13. He reminded me of another boy I knew and I can't say I was particularly thrilled at finding a duplicate. Now, a very important note that all reading should remember is that Shevan had a particularly good looking older brother, Vishan. Vishan, to my 13 year old mind, was the only talldarkandhandsome guy I'd ever seen. He truly was, there was no use denying it. Back to Shevan, we spent a couple of days hanging out and got along because we were the same age. It was alllll goood.

One very stark incident that occured, which is probably the reason this week of my life has left a mark on my impressionable mind, was when I looked Shevan, dead cutely in the eye and asked if he would massage my feet. His only reply was, "How much are you paying me?" I said, "I'm not paying you ..." to which he too quickly replied, "Well, how about you give me a kiss?" -"Haha, you wish ..." That was the end of that conversation, I also remember him looking rather devastated when I said I wasn't staying the night in that particular house (He was). I left him that night with a look that simply said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

The next morning, however, Shevan, was cold. He appeared completely nonchalant and completely uninterested in me or what I had to say ... so much for seeing you tomorrow. I was quite puzzled. I pulled our mutual friend aside and asked her why he was acting strange and when it started. She didn't know. After trying to talk to him for about half an hour, he suddenly looked at me and said in a teasing tone, "So ... I heard you like Vishan." I pulled my friend aside and asked her why Shevan thought I liked Vishan and she admitted she might have said something to that effect to him the night before. She apparently took my comment about him being cute etc etc in the wrong vein. I tried explaining it to him, but to him it was a case of denial. I suppose the worst part was how he looked slightly betrayed. He left that day, and that, was simply that.

Last week, I saw him for the first time after 6 years. Now he's talldarkandhadsome too (I saw that coming). No, i'm not sitting here pining for a love that never was or anything of that sort. I'm simply wondering if he remembers any of it at all. Does he remember asking for that kiss? Does he remember my name? Is his brother single? [joke] After spending practically the whole evening trying to jog his memory non-verbally I've come to a conclusion that he doesn't remember any of it OR he's still sore about it. However, I have huge doubts that it is the latter.

So, Shevan, if you're reading this, I never had a crush on Vishan. This post is about you.

Ah, the joys of childhood. :)

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