Sunday, September 30, 2012

Why Maybank Should Give Me Tickets to Legoland

For many years I was the only girl in the house and I did everything with my two older brothers, Christopher and Brendan. Even after my younger sister, Kimberley, was born, it was still only the three of us who did everything together because she was too young. Basically, this meant that there really was not much room for Barbie dolls or masak-masak sets (I did not mind, really). Playtime and the weekends usually comprised:

However there were two things we loved more than anything else in the world - Michael Jackson and our Lego set and believe me, that's the truth! 

With my brothers, Christopher (L) and Brendan (R).    

Striking a pose with my battleship

After years and years of building skyscrapers, warcraft machinery, firearms and the odd-house or two (I was after all, a girl), I often found myself yearning for more. After watching  at least a dozen times, I wanted to see them move. I wanted animation, I wanted them to tell a story. Suffice to say, 3-pairs of hands were never really enough. So you can only imagine my delight when I accidentally came across a whole collection of StopMotion Mini Story videos filmed with Lego! The icing on my Lego cake? A Michael Jackson tribute!! I squealed, jumped and cheered enough for my brothers to come see what all the fuss was about - then they started buzzing with excitement too!!

My heart and spirit soared with every movement. Who knew there was a whole community of LegoLovers like me out there? There were others who wanted to see them come to live! I wasn't alone!!

It was amazing! Sorta like having one of my childhood dreams come true. Today, even I try my hand at Stop Motion mini Lego movies on my Mac!

Now, there's only one thing missing: an opportunity to immerse myself in all that is Lego! To take the experience to a whole new level! Although I do have some money left in my MAYBANK Savings Account - I was hoping to use that to invest in a brand-new LEGO set! 

Please Sir, may I have tickets to Legoland?

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